CISR is an Academic Initiative to Promote Indic Studies & Ancient Indian Knowledge System

Aims & Objectives

Aims & Objectives

With the major aim of promoting Indic Studies, the objectives of CISR is to increase the Indian knowledge-tradition. The main objectives of CISR are as follows-

  • To organize various courses, discussions, seminars/webinars, activities etc. in offline/online or hybrid mode on subjects covered in Sanskrit, Pali, Prakrit Philosophy, and Indic Studies etc.
  • To introduce traditional knowledge & science through technology by connecting it with modern knowledge-science.
  • To undertake and promote maintenance and preservation of Indian heritage texts and manuscripts specially which are in Sanskrit, Pali, Prakrit Languages.
  • To publish and preserve manuscripts.
  • To provide scholarship with government support to promote teaching-learning and research activities.
  • To publish research Magazines, Journals and Books.
  • To organize various educational, cultural activities.
  • To organize educational and cultural tours.
  • To organize quality programs activities as a bridge between various institutions.
  • To organize creative programs in collaboration with various organizations.
  • To make branches of the council in different states of India and abroad and through it to achieve the council objectives.
  • To provide a suitable platform to scholarly speakers and writers.
  • To constitute and expound theoretical framework from the primary intellectual texts of the Traditional, Non-Traditional Indic & Sanskrit Knowledge.
  • To negotiate between, and bring together, through interactive projects, the traditional and non-traditional scholars from the different parts of the globe.
  • To extend and validate the classical theories on Indian and western thoughts and thinkers.
  • To undertake comparative research in Indian and western traditions of thoughts in linguistics, literary and cultural theory, philosophical, sociological, economic, polity, gender, ethnic studies, and culture etc.
  • Various awards will be given from time to time by the COUNCIL OF INDIC STUDIES & RESEARCH (प्राच्यविद्या अध्ययन एवं अनुसंधान परिषद्‌) to encourage people who have excelled in different fields. The different categories for the award are as EDUCATION, SOCIAL, HEALTH, ENGEENIERING, MEDIA, POLITICS, IT SERVICES, AGRICULTURE, BUREAUCRACY, SPORTS, DEFENCE, PARAMILITARY, BUSINESS, ENTERTAINMEN. The Council reserves the right to recommend the award in any category other than the above categories. To ensure an unbiased and fair selection, Council will set up a jury of experts in each category. The selection process in each category will be based solely on merit.
  • To promote welfare, work for awareness of public, Book Publishing, Campaigning for public awareness and interest (includes campaigning using IT Technology, computer, Internet, various Communication channels), social  cultural, charitable, health education, humanitarian, and   relief  activities   that   will protect, safeguard, improve the quality and raise the  standard of  human life, particularly economically weaker  sections  of the  society, irrespective of caste creed, race  color,  sex  or  religion  so that they may lead healthy, happy  contented  and dignified life.
  • To open educational institutions, hospitals, old age homes, children’s homes etc. for the welfare of the society.
  • To help and collaborate in establishing and running medical centers, old age homes, Ashrams, Schools, Hospitals, rehabilitation, institutions for the destitute, vocational training centers for the handicapped and self-job-oriented activities for   the unemployed and to promote know how and skills.
  • To offer scholarships, Prize Distribution, stipends, and financial support to deserving students in pursuing higher studies in medicine Language, Literature, Religion, Philosophy, Arts, Commerce, Science, Engineering, computer technology and other fields, which will suggested by Governing body time to time.
  • To undertake and support any program or projects that provide educational, recreational, social cultural and spiritual activities with    the   sole   purpose    of    promoting peace, love, tolerance, and   national integration among the various communities of the country and Nationalities of the world.
  • Collaboration with other voluntary organizations to accomplish the above objects.
  • Affiliation with other national, and international organizations engaged in welfare, health education, National integration, and peace-promotion activities.
  • Regular dialogue, and rapport with central, State Government and N.G.O’s to elicit  support  and cooperation  in fulfilling  the aims and  objects of the organization (Charitable Trust ).
  • To acquire immoveable, and moveable properties by purchase lease, mortgage, gifts, grants, legacy, bequest, exchange, right privilege from any person/s, company, society, Government corporative bodies or institutions whatsoever and to hold moveable,  and  immoveable  properties lawfully  held  of  all descriptions.
  • To erect/build residential complexes, hostels, hospitals and any other type of building or structures whatsoever, to further any objects of the Charitable Trust and to maintain, manage, control, improve, alter, repairs, demolish or  reconstruct the same or any portion or portions thereof.
  • To receive by way of gift, whether in cash money or property moveable or immoveable, donations and contributions in any legal form, including legacy, behest, wills, trusteeship, etc, for the benefit of the Charitable Trust.
  • To alienate by way of sale, mortgage, lease, charge transfer all or any part of the property of  the  charitable Trust.
  • To invest and re-invest any funds or moneys of the Charitable Trust in the interest of the beneficiaries of the Trust.
  • To execute such agreements, conveyances, transfers, leases license, mortgages, documents, etc. as may be deemed necessary to carry out the objects of the Charitable Trust.
  • To borrow  and  or raise any  funds  with  or  without security  in  any manner the charitable trust  may  think  to repay the same.
  • To negotiate with or enter into arrangements with different authorities, bodies, industrial houses for grants, allowances, rights, concessions, and privileges, etc. that may be beneficial to the charitable trust beneficiaries.
  • To use all the income from the properties moveable or immoveable or from the earning of the Charitable Trust as such whosesoever derived from, solely for the advancement  of the  And that no portion of it be distributed  or disbursed  among  the Trustees by way of  profits, bonuses  or    dividends. However nothing herein contained shall prevent  the payment  in  good faith  in  the  shape  of  remuneration   or reimbursement to any Trustee for any services rendered to the charitable trust or expenses incurred  thereto.
  • To appoint   or  to  remove   staff   of   different graces, prescribe  their duties, assignments, service  conditions and to fix their wages, remunerations and perquisites, etc.
  • To perform all acts as are incidental and conducive to attainment of all or any of the objects of  the  Charitable Trust.
  • The income and earnings of the charitable trust shall be utilized to attain the aims and objects of the organization as desired by the Trustees of Charitable Trust.
  • To promote and advocate Human Rights and Fundamental Freedom for all without any discrimination of race, religion, caste, color, sex, and language.
  • To develop and mobilize Community and Natural Resources to give the right direction to people of the marginalized and economically weaker section of the trust for their sustainable overall development.
  • To work with special concentration for the Child & Women Welfare.
  • To organize and take up Health, Educational and Welfare programmes for needy Women and children on priority basis.
  • To undertake ad promote human resources in the field of social work and in other science relating to social  action for world peace.
  • To undertake and maintain and assist any relief measures in those parts which become subjected to natural calamities such as flood, fire, drought famine, cyclone, earth-quake epidemics, storm, accidents, pestilence, etc.
  • To give, provide and/or render, help and assistance to a and/or implement any scheme for providing livelihood and upliftment of the poor.
  • To work for the welfare of trust neglected and martingales people.
  • To protest and fight against the injustice against people
  • To communicate and coordinate with the Govt. Local and public authorities on various issues related to development welfare and public interest on different subjects.
  • To issue appeals raise funds and accept gifts, donation subscriptions in cash or in kind and any property either movable or immovable for the achievement of the objective of the trust.
  • To promote and protect Indian Traditional music, dance, handicraft, handlooms, Art, modern art & literature.
  • To support the families and relatives of artists for promoting the budding artists in the trust.
  • To establish an award for the deserving people in the field of Language, literature, Religion, Philosophy, Music, Art grass root level social service, communal harmony, brotherhood and peace etc.
  • To encourage the emerging artists and their talents so that they can get proper recognition within and beyond the country.
  • To establish centre(s) for the promotion of Music, Dance and other Arts.
  • To establish residential and non-residential cultural centers for promoting Music, Dance and other Arts.
  • To work for Environmental Protection, Forestation, Plantation, Weste Land Management.
  • To organized vocational training for women and needy people.
  • To organized awareness camps, health camps, March, workshops, campaign and exhibition.
  • To aware people about their democratic & fundamental rights.
  • To promote cottage industries, Khadi, and traditional handicraft.
  • To advocate Panchayati Raj system among citizens.
  • To provide various medical services such as organizing health and awareness camps of Immunization, Eye Care, Motherhood, Child Care, and Communicable Diseases.
  • To prevent any epidemics and to advocate both permanent and temporary measures of Family Planning.
  • To provide basic medical facility, sanitation, general health care and other needful support which can be helpful for public to overcome sufferings and agony of any natural and manmade disaster and to facilitate them to rehabilitate.
  • To provide medical, emotional, psychological, social and medical support to senior citizens of our trust by setting up various drop-in centres, senior citizen homes, old-age homes and other entertainment centres so that these highly honorable people should not be neglected.
  • To undertake activities for sensitizing people to preserve the natural resources of our nation and to maintain the ecological balance of the area.
  • To provide and facilitate legal assistance to underprivileged and poor section of trust to fight for their rights and justice.
  • To promote, encourage and facilitate research programmes and trainings in the field of public health, education and empowerment.
  • To arrange and organize religious, social and cultural programmes for all human being from time to time.
  • To create a sense of brotherhood, love, humanity, affection, cooperation and friendship amongst the members of the trust and the beneficiaries.
  • To make best efforts for promotion, development and protection of the beneficiaries/ target population and help them in distress.
  • To help poor, widows, handicapped, orphans, old aged, mentally retired and under privileged section of the trust/community.
  • To run/ operate different types of education program/schools like formal, non-formal, pre-school for the education development of under privileged children of the community/trust.
  • To run the different types of health programmes to raise the health status of vulnerable groups, poor and needy.
  • To work for the empowerment and sensitization of women, adolescents and children.
  • To make up efforts for the free education, welfare and development of women, children and backward community in both urban and rural areas throughout the country and distribution of diploma and certificate.
  • To establish the medical facilities in the working locality (if required) such as family planning centers, dispensaries, hospitals etc.
  • To run and open the schools for the welfare and uplift of the needy children and also run adult education programmes.
  • To publish books, magazines, charts, issue related IEC (Information, Education and Communication) materials and other periodical illustration for generating the income for the trust for the benefit of its aims.
  • To work and fight against discrimination based on Cast, Creed, Color, Gender, Religion, Faith, Race & Nationality.
  • To open / run / manage institute / collage of higher / professional / vocation education in any part of the country for providing quality education and training to youth and children.
  • To promote and protect natural herbs and plants by cultivation, preservation, storage, processing, demonstration, creating botanical garden and providing necessary training.
  • To establish / run / manage hospitals, health centres, mobile health clinics, research centre to provide health care, counseling and referral services for all kinds of illness and deceases.
  • To work for the welfare of Agricultural workers, Farmers, Unorganized Labours, Industrial Labours and Migrated Labours.
  • To promote Fight against : Poverty, Reservation Corruption, Terrorism, Population Exploitation, Drugs, Bureaucracy, Illiteracy, Domestic Violence, Child Exploitation, Superstition and others which help to create a better society.
  • To form women groups, youth groups, self-help groups; old aged groups, adolescent groups, children groups/clubs, community leaders groups and group of volunteers.
  • To promote traditional games along with the contemporary sports among youth & others.
  • To work for welfare & support for the families of Martyrs and Prisoners.
  • To work against the exploitation of Animals & Birds and make sincere efforts to protect them.
  • To celebrate annual day of the trust every year as cultural & social event.
  • To establish Citizen Forum (s) and Resident Welfare Association (s) for the development of high values of the Unity, Brotherhood, Communal Harmony and Peace.
  • To promote and support voluntary donation of Blood, Eyes and other parts of human body for the charitable purpose.
  • To take-up, initiate or assist social development activities or welfare programmes for bringing positive change in the lives of the common people.
  • To save or protect National Heritage, Buildings or Places of the archeological & historic importance.
  • To spread the teachings & thoughts of great leaders, philosophers, thinkers, reformers and saints.
  • Trust can organize Prize distribution function to the peoples, who are engaged in uplifting the living standards of society and who are engaged in the social activities for the benefit of the public.
  • Trust can provide credit rating or performance ranking called by whatever name to any Society/Trust/NGO/Any Person, who are engaged in the social activities for the benefit of the public.
  • Trust can organize road shows, plays etc to aware India about corruption, Voting right, RTI, Government scheme etc for the benefit of the public.
  • To promote traditional therapies like Yoga, Naturopathy, Meditation, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Massage Therapy, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Reiki etc.
  • To Promote and help in establishing small scale industries and make suitable arrangement to raise funds for achieving objective of trust i.e. Social welfare of General Public.
  • To open and run the Govt. Program like NSDC, CSC, DUDA, SUDA, CAPART, NABARD, NAREGA, SIFPSA, Jan Sewa Kendra (CMS), UPCSC, Lok Vani Kendra & Pradhanmantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) for skill India.
  • The council will create its own YouTube channel, NewsChannel, newsmagazine, news bulletin, newspaper, and various social media platforms for higher publicity for its various purposes. Along with this, it will also launch its app as required.
  • Apart from the above functions/works, the council will also perform other social and country interests works as given by the Governing Body from time to time.
    1. All the incomes, earnings, movable / immovable properties of the trust shall be solely utilized and applied towards the promotion of its aims and object only a set forth in the Memorandum of the trust and no profit, thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividends, bonus, profits or in any other manner whatsoever to the present or past members of the trust or to any person claiming through any one or more of the present or the past members.
    2. No member of the trust shall have any personal claim on any moveable or immovable properties of the trust or make any profits, whatsoever, by virtue of this membership.

AND GENERALLY, to do in all public, charitable purposes for public benefit without any discrimination of Caste, Creed, Color, Gender, Religion, Faith, Race, or any Nationality. That in case any of the objects of the Trust are held to be non-charitable within the meaning of section 2 (15) of the Indian Trust Act, or any statutory modification (s) thereof, the Trustee (s) shall not carry out such objectives.

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