Awards for Renowned Philosophers of India-2022

Call for Nominations for Philosopher Awards-2022
Ref. No. : CISR/Awards/2022/01
Date : 09/09/2022
The Council of Indic Studies and Research is accepting nominations from exceptional philosophers of India who have significantly advanced the field of philosophy.
Swami Vivekanand Young Philosopher Award
This honour would be given to individuals under the age of 40 who are presently working in the Philosophy field or employed at universities or other higher institutions, have won any sort of award, have published a book or, have an outstanding research background, etc. (No. of Awards=02)
Aadi Shankaracharya Philosophical Genius Award
This honour would be presented to those between the ages of 40 and 60 who are currently working at universities or other higher educational institutions, have received any kind of award, have authored a book, or have an exceptional background to the research, etc. (No. of Awards = 03)
Maharshi Yagyavalkya Philosopher of the Year Award
This honour is given to philosophers above 60 years of age, who have spent their entire life advancing philosophy and are still engaged in it. These eminent philosophers have aided philosophy to become more popular all across the world. (No. of Awards = 01)
Maharshi Gautam Philosopher of the Year Award
This honour is given to philosophers above 60 years of age, who have spent their entire life advancing Indian philosophy and are still engaged in it. These eminent philosophers have aided philosophy to become more popular all across the world. (No. of Awards = 01)
Nomination Process
Anyone or the individual themselves can nominate them for the following awards by sending their updated resume along with evidentiary proofs / relevant documents at [email protected] Please include the name of the category in the subject line. A minimum of two recommendation letters from renowned philosophers must be received to be eligible for consideration in category 1 i.e. Swami Vivekanand Young Philosopher Award. Candidate should be an Indian Citizen. Nominations must be received by October 15, 2022 to be considered.
Note : Scholars of Sanskrit, Prakrit, and Pali who have studied or worked in the philosophical field are also eligible for these awards.
For more information, please visit our website or mail us at [email protected]
Disclaimer : CISR may confer the above awards with the concurrence or recommendation of the jury to deserving philosophers without nomination. CISR reserves the right to decide not to confer or cancel any of the above awards at any stage.